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This is a comprehensive 16mm film emulation Power Grade, that is fully customizable to specific camera manufacturers and gamma curves. The Power Grade emulates the organic characteristics of 16mm film, including film colour, grain, halation, bloom and gate weave.


Only compatible within Davinci Resolve.


The Power Grade is structured as follows:

Node 1 = Noise Reduction. This node is applied first, as it allows the footage being graded to be as clean as possible throughout the node tree. The necessary settings will vary significantly depending on the footage, but the default settings a good blanket application of NR. It's important to know that NR is taxing on CPU's, so it may be best to temporarily disable this whilst editing/ grading.

Node 2 = Primaries. This node is purposely left blank for users to colour correct and balance their footage.
Node 3 = Film Halation. This is packaged within a compound node, which can be adjusted by simply right clicking on the node and selecting "show compound node". Adjustments to the intensity of the halation are done within node 3 of the compound node (specifically with the radius sliders under the blur tab). Also within the compound node are Nodes 1 & 5, which contain colour space transform nodes, which need to be mapped to the specific gamma curve of your camera (i.e. SLOG 3, CLOG 3).

Node 4 = BLUR. This is adding a subtle and uniform blur to your image to take off the "digital edge" and give the footage a more film-like softness.

Node 5 = CST. Colour Space Transform conforms your footage to the Arri Alexa LOGC colour space. It's very important that your input gamma & colour space is set to the corresponding gamma curve of your camera (i.e SLOG 3 + Sony S Gamut 3).
Node 6 = REC709. This converts your logarithmic footage into the REC709 colour space by using the Arri LOGC to REC709 LUT.

Node 7 = Creative LUT. This is a custom-designed Film Feel LUT that is included in the .ZIP file and gives your footage a more film-like look. We recommend leaving this between 20%-60% opacity/ gain. 

Node 8 = Blur & Grain. This node applies further blur to the image, as well as applying 16mm 500T film grain. These can both be adjusted to taste. This node requires the user to have Davinci Resolve studio. An alternative is simply applying film grain overlay within your timeline, instead of on a clip to clip basis. 

Node 9 = Bloom. This node helps to recreate the imperfections of poorly coated vintage lenses and their effect on the film emulsion layers. The opacity of this node is set to 75% for a more subtle effect, but this can be increased/ decreases to taste. 
Node 10 = Gate Weave. This node recreates the slight sway of film strips as they moved through the frame window of a film camera. It's important to note that this node introduces a slight crop to allow for subtle movements in the frame. This can be disabled should this effect not be desirable. 
Node 11 = False Colour. This is highly recommended for all colourist, as it can help you check the IRE levels of your grade as you progress. It's recommended that you toggle this on and off as you grade as a reference point. 


To install the Power Grade in Resolve:

1.) Right-click within the gallery window on the colour page and click "import".
2.) Select the unzipped Film Feel Power Grade .dpx files and click import.

To install the Finishing Lut in Resolve:

1.) Navigate to the colour tab in Davinci Resolve.
2.) Click on the Luts tab located on the top left hand side of the screen.
3.) Right Click on the LUTs folder in the drop down menu panel (also on the far left hand side of your screen).
4.) Click on the option "Reveal in finder”.
5.) Make sure you drag the .cube LUT file included in your download into the containing folder.
6.) Head back to the Davinci Resolve and right click on the same LUTs folder in the drop down menu panel.
7.) Click “Referesh".


Once the Power Grade & Luts have been imported, they can be applied to any shot within a timeline by right-clicking on the Powergrade still within the gallery (under Power Grade tab) and selecting "apply grade".  


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